Breaking down the barriers to high performance

Senseia is a culture change consultancy which helps organisations where entrenched behaviours and attitudes present a serious roadblock to team dynamics and growth. Our distinctive methodology makes a deeper, longer lasting difference by drilling down, forensically, into the psychology of performance
The Senseia Process

New ways to remove the roadblocks to performance

Our experience is that when clients understand the real drivers of their working culture, their teams rise to the challenge of changing how they think and behave. Our three stage process, developed over ten years in some profoundly complex settings, helps develop that understanding and transform it into learning and action.


Stage 1

We comb your organisation for data and stories and interpret them through the lenses of neuroscience and psycho-dynamic tools. We want to understand not only the ‘what’ of your culture and the barriers you face to better performance, but the underlying ‘why’ as well.

Leadership learning

Stage 2

Using experiential learning, we scrutinise the findings of the audit with leaders and influencers. Together we unearth what’s really going on and help your leaders acknowledge their part in dynamics which are often simply the unintended consequences of normal human behaviour.

Executing the insight

Stage 3

Culture change happens when people take responsibility for small actions and understand their impact. We make this happen through agile “sprint” teams of colleagues from across the workforce, tackling the root causes of cultural dysfunction in everyday tasks and interactions.
Why Senseia?

Specialists in repairing and regenerating organisational culture

Senseia’s focus on the psychology of performance gives organisations a deeper, more thorough way to understand and break through the barriers to change. We draw on a distinctive range of techniques and skillsets to help you achieve that.

Wide-ranging experience

We have decades of experience working in international commerce, public sector organisations, the media, the tech sector and the mental health arena – with our diverse perspectives informing all our work.

Psychological Safety

We use clear boundaries to safeguard the emotional terrain, for all, throughout the work. This enables courage and candour and generates clarity around the issues that need to be dealt with.

Understanding social power

It’s not just your leaders who influence culture. We know how to identify, leverage and contain the informal, social power networks in your organisation. This helps us to accelerate and deepen learning across hierarchies, delivering maximum impact.


Changing cultures is often about recognising and refreshing the stories we tell each other. So Senseia’s team includes storytellers too – broadcast journalists, producers, authors and accredited psychotherapists who interpret those narratives to help you change.
Case Study
Devon and Cornwall Police

Reduce discrimination with an emphasis on racism

Devon and Cornwall Police asked senseia to support a cultural change programme, in a bid to reduce discrimination with an emphasis on racism, but also to help reduce other forms of discrimination such as misogyny and homophobia.

This is what our clients have to say

Browse using the arrows

Ground breaking

“A truly unique approach and ground-breaking stuff for this organisation which has long been needed.”
Jim Colwell, Deputy Chief Constable
Devon and Cornwall Police

Profound insight

“Senseia’s work gave me a profound insight into the strengths and vulnerabilities of our culture – it was delivered with discretion, integrity and compassion.”
Kath Billing, Chief Fire Office
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service

Significant learning

“Nothing but the highest praise for the work undertaken by Senseia. The pitch and progressive journey enabled a significant learning for those present”
J Hooton, Regional Manager

Rapid progress

“The tools shared by senseia have given our organisation a new language to manage and deliver complex change – we couldn’t have progressed so rapidly without their support”
Amanda Blakeman, Chief Constable
North Wales Police

Some of our clients


Take steps towards a powerful change

Get in touch to learn more. Book an appointment with us today.